Our Sponsors

Ashley's Learning Center would like to express its gratitude to Somerset Resort Manager and Staff for all their support given to us in 2017.
A phenomenal place with phenomenal people.
We are more than grateful to our other sponsors that have helped our children in Provo. They actually applied the lesson that we had in ADL, how to eat in a restaurant when the owner of Danny Buoy’s gave us the opportunity of having a free lunch. Below is our list of sponsors and what they’ve done for our school:
Grand Regent – visited their hotel and had photo ops (December 1, 2016)
Seven Stars c/o Miss Pratt – we had free lunch (December 7, 2016)
Scotia Bank – donated chairs and tables (January 2017)
Blue Haven – construction of our Outdoor Playground (February 25, 2017)
Do it Center – desks, chairs, and paint for classrooms (March 2015)
Restoration Hope Center – Monthly donation for cleaning supplies
Turks & Caicos Friends of the Arts Foundation – Donated concert (March 2017)
Again, we are beyond blessed because of these things that we are experiencing now and working as a team will surely help make this school go far and everything that has been happening will all be beneficial to our students – which is the main reason why we have ExtraOrdinary Minds- Ashley’s Learning Center.