The Classroom Structure
Currently, there are three classes at the school led by competent, qualified teachers with a passion for their chosen profession. In two of our classes, the teachers are supported by assistant teachers and in the third, the teacher is supported by an aide.
The needs are quite diverse, as seen in the table below, necessitating one-on-one instruction to meet the specific needs of each student.
twenty one, day students (8:30 am to 2:00 pm) and ten evening students (one hour, three evenings per week) make up the school’s current enrollment.
The evening program provides educational support for students at mainstream schools and those whose parents cannot find school placements.
CP: Cerebral Palsy
ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder
DS: Downs Syndrome
SL: Slow Learner
LD: Learning Disability
LPD: Language Processing Disord
Extracurricular Activites
Encouraging children to learn by providing stimulating activities and interactive play is a wonderful method for promoting their curiosity and passion for education. By participating in enjoyable and hands-on experiences, children tend to absorb information and abilities more easily.
As part of our efforts to expose our students to the world beyond the classroom, we organize a monthly Community Outing. During these outings, we take them to various places such as the grocery store, where they get to pick items of their choice and make payments, a practical way to teach them about money recognition and identifying different coins and bills. We also take them to the beach, where we provide sand activities that help improve their fine motor skills, and let them play with their favourite toys from school. While at the beach, some of our students also overcome their fear of water. Additionally, we offer swimming lessons that help them focus and follow instructions. Overall, these outings are a fun way to enrich our students' learning experience.